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Alright for Rainbows?


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I have been thinking about adding rainbowfish to my 240l (4ft) planted community. It currently contains about 20 Harlequin Rasbora and a large assortment of loaches (kuhli, yoyo, angelicus, striata). It is filtered with 2x Sunsun HW-303B UV filters (1400lph each). I do a 50% wc a week. pH is about 6.8, which I know is a little low for rainbows.

Even though there are quite a few loaches there is very little movement in the upper regions of the tank, and when they are all hiding (most of the time, except when there is food!) the tank looks pretty much empty. I have considered just adding another 20 Harlequins or a big shoal of White Clouds but I think something big would be nice.

Would 6 Boesemani Rainbows (all male) be okay in my tank? I know they are pretty active and can get pretty large, and also my pH is a little off for them. Is my tank enough room for them to romp, and enough room for a decent school? Also I'm sure my loaches will be fine but will they freak out my harleys? Just wanting a second opinion, as I have been umming-and-ahhing over this for weeks!

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Uhh where's the link? :sml2:

Checkered Rainbows seem to be either Melanotaenia splendida splendida orrrr Melanotaenia splendida inornata. There seems to be some confusion about the correct taxonomy.

Gorgeous anyway, they looked like this, but a tad duller.


Seeing all these stunning species is making me want a full-on Rainbow tank like yours Adrienne. !drool: Also those Axelrod's Rainbows are stunning! They are on the order form atm, maybe I should get some...

http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/me ... taxelrodi/

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oops http://www.aquaticcommunity.com/rainbowfish/

I have two which I assumed to be female, species unknown that look like the chequered pictured here but if the ones you have seen have the coloured fins and tail as in your image I would be keen as well.

As I said none of my 'herbertaxelrodi' look like they should atm but they are still smallish and colouring up.

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Well, today I came home with 3 Irian Red Rainbows -- at $14 each I couldn't resist.

Got them home and my Yoyo Loaches are chasing them pretty bad. :facepalm: Might be time for the Yoyos to find a new home... :tears:

I'm wondering how many Rainbows will "fit" in my tank. Torn between the Boesemani, Turquoise, Axelrodis and Checkered. How many of each species do you have Adrienne?

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My tank is 450 - so 1500L x 500D x 600H (gives you some idea of the surface area). I have 8 parkinsons, 3 red, 2 lake kutubu (blues), 4 boesmani, 2 possibly splendida females, 3 herbertaxelrodi, 4 either australis or nigrans (they don't seem to fit either picture). The parkinsons and nigrans/australis are around 7 - 8cm, the rest slightly smaller except the herbertaxelrodi who are new and about 4cm.

I also have in there 5 dwarf chain loaches who are forever nipping scales off the rainbows if they get down low in the tank, 1 black red tail shark and 1 SAE (both full size), 12 pristella tetra and 6 different types of bristle nose.

I would like to get some more blues as my tank is too red/orange :)

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Thanks Adrienne -- it's the same size as my 450l cichlid tank then, is it a Juwel by any chance?

Ahhh yes, Dwarf Chain Loaches are little DEVILS! I had 8 and they absolutely wrought havoc on everyone else in the tank so I eventually sold them, nasty little things. I now have 6 Striata Loaches and 6 Angelicus Loaches, both of which seem pretty docile. And 7 Yoyos which I am going to rehome -- sick of them terrorizing my tanks. I also have 20 Harlequin Rasbora, and of course my new 3 Red Rainbows.

Torn as I don't want to cram too many species of Rainbow in as it's not a huge tank (240l), but they are all so beautiful! Thinking I'll either add another 3 Irian Reds and 6 Boesemanis and have 6 of each, or add 3 Checkered and 3 Boes and have 3 of each. Tough. Plus I have to make up my mind TODAY as this is when the sale ends. Don't fancy paying $21 per-rainbow.

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