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mystery critters...

Modern Angl

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Interesting. I'd keep them somewhere and see if you can grow them up, see what they turn into. They almost look like some kind of fry of some eel like fish. The one on the left definitely does. That doesn't fit with the moving like a leech though. They may BE a leech.

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after browsing the net looking for info on leeches, i can safely assume thats what they are, the question is... how the £$%^ did they end up in my tank?


a) gravel / bogwood from animates

b) Plants from Various people

To eradicate them, I'll have to move the fish out of the tank into a new one and dispose of gravel / plants / bogwood from their old tank to make sure no more appear.

I think the bogwood is far too dry sitting in animates for cocoons to survive, so guessing my gravel from animates is to blame as that was damp in the bag when I got it. The cocoons take 6-8 weeks to hatch in favourable conditions, which does fit the timeframe for that tank.

ho hum.

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