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yup - 69L tank, rounded corners on the front, filter up top etc etc... Gorgeous little (or not so little!) unit tanks :)

I think I've got pics of it under a post called AR-510 :)

I'm working on getting some good pics of it so I can upload them and show off! :)

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I guess it depends how predatory you want to go, or if you're just looking for more agressive fish.

For that size tank you really want fish that aren't going to grow much beyond 100mm, even that will be big for that tank.

If you're just looking for agressive fish, perhaps a pair of convicts (;)) or even some jewels are always fun (although it's debatable on their agression - seems to vary by person).

Anything oscar/arowana will outgrow that tank within a month or three max.. believe me, they grow fast :)

Personally if you're wanting a tank with predators - I think you may need to look to a bigger tank - there's just not enough real estate in a <100L tank to let the fish find their own place and get space if needed.

just my $0.02 anyhows :) (I keep oscars/jewels/convicts/etc etc in a large tank - I like my carnivores :) )

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I have heaps of Jewels for you to try, from 4/5 inches down to 2/3", great size tank for them I have heaps in two foot tanks but they are dynamite on little fish, also need lots of hidey holes or large rocks or wood to call home, easiest way to upset a Jewel is to remove one of the the rocks or pieces of wood, or in fact to put in a new bit. they go ape for a couple of days till they work out who owns what again. Beautiful fish but quite aggressive. p.s. do not get a pair or you could end up with lots of fish, they are very easy to breed

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