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Accidentally knocked heater plug, huge temp drop - help


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Hey guys,

So I store my buckets and stuff for water changes in the cabinet under the tank, and it just so happen that the power plugs are in there as well. I did my weekly water change yesterday, around mid-day. I must have knocked the plugs, because I woke up this morning, and like I always do I came down to check on the fish and check the water temperature. I was shocked to find it has dropped from a nice 26 degrees to a freezing 17.

I immediately started investigating and found the plug out of the socket for the heater. I have plugged it back in, and did a small water change with slightly warmer water just to try and get it to the 20's again. I know sudden temperature changes can stress the fish out, so I want to make sure I try and keep them as happy as possible. Does anyone have any advice how I can get back to the right temperature without resorting to doing a water change every hour or so with warm water?

About an hour has passed and the tank is sitting at around 20 dergees, and the fish seem a lot happier than they did this morning. They were quite lethargic, and the neons were all hiding down the bottom under my plants, but now they're swimming around a bit more.

Is there anything I should look out for? Is there anything else I can do to make them more comfortable until the temperature recovers?


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I think it'd be best to bring the temperature up slowly.

If they're alive now, they should stay alive. It'll be pretty obvious which ones aren't coping well.

Look out for white spot in the tank in the next few days as well as other diseases.

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