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My 200l planted tank. First "real" build!


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Perhaps ask someone on the brewing forum where they get theirs from, I'd be keen to know. I got my large cylinder from HFF, call them and see if they have any at the moment. Generally it'll be around 5-7kg and they take cash only.

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Fun indeed :) In fact today I went and bought some ferns to attach to my wood. not sure exactly what they are but I like them :) Also got some cycle starter stuff from lfs and some flake food and added it in so will see how that goes. When should I start testing for NH3?



She's still cloudy but that's as expected. Not going to interfere. Seems a little better than yesterday so filter is getting some of it out


I'll have a look around some brewing and welding forums, etc and see if there's any deals going around for cylinders :ske:

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One week update. Tank is going well! Water is much clearer and there is already some plant growth. All plants seem to be doing well except a couple of twisted val which seem to be going pale and kind of rotting. Any ideas why? Have added a pinch of fish food and a bottle of store bought cycle stuff according to instructions so just waiting for NH3 to rise now. Water is sitting at 25C currently. Have ordered a pH pen from trademe too. Can see a wee bit of algae in there on some of the plants but I think it came with them, definitely no blooms yet


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Just remember that limited species in large quantities have a greater impact than many species in lesser quantity. Whatever you're thinking, make sure you double check with us here before you buy :)

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That plec looks really cool. I was told though that the fancy ones tend to hide most of the day and come out at night. In which case you wouldn't see it much. I could be wrong but that's what I was told by a reputable LFS, and for the price they are I thought I'd rather get something I can see ALL the time. :bggrn:

By the way, your tank is looking way cool at the moment. That background is spectacular.

Oh, and what SamH said, A big group of small fish swimming in a school is way cooler than one big fish IMO. The Emerald Eye Rasbora is very good at maintaining a tight school, and could look quite good in your tank with their bright glowing eyes against your background, swimming back and forth. They hang around in the upper region too leaving plenty of room for bottom dwellers.

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They might be but they're expensive. Why not go for something like the big band tiger pleco? They're something a bit different, usually more active and affordable! In regards to the schooling fish, just stick to one species. Your tank is quite red at the moment however that will probably turn more green over time, pick fish that contrast nicely with your aquarium (don't pick orange fish).

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Queen Arabesque plecs are here in NZ but the ones I have seen, from memory, have finer lines than the one pictured. With the way you have your tank set up they are less likely to be able to hide as much. It is really hard to judge how much a plec will hide - if your house is quieter and no one 'pops up' in front of the tank they are less likely to be spooked. On average we see the ones in the shops where they are subjected often to noise, people all around and children tapping on the glass. No wonder they hide - I would too!

Definitely the big band tiger plecs are more visible in the tank, they are not as shy but there are also other beautiful plecs around in the shops.

One thing to remember, what you have as bottom dwellers is also dependent on what middle top layer fish you have. :D

Oh and $250 is a good price for a CO2 bottle that size, mine cost me $500 and then I still had to get a solenoid as the regulator that came with it didn't have one as part of it. The bottles are already inspected and unlike some you buy, you are not going to have to mess around finding a regulator that fits.

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Thanks guys. I'd rather not spend a whole load on a fish that I won't see :) I saw the chocolate zebra plecos that HFF has and they are very nice too, still $50 though.... Yes my tank is quite "red" at the moment but I am planning on that mellowing out and going a bit greener and more natural looking as things progress. Obviously foliage will also increase and take the edge off all the redness too.

Thanks for the advice about schooling too, I will go for a single school rather than trying to have two. Neon tetras are always nice and striking (and cheap :) ) but I'll also look into the emerald eye rasbora and others too as suggested. Still a wee while off adding fish though so will spend some time researching

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I've just noticed tonight that there is algae in my tank. Fine longish brown stringy stuff on some plants, fine fuzzy brown short stuff on some other plants, and a wee little bit of fine green fuzz too. I assume it's going to get worse, and have read this is something that normally happens to new tanks, so is there anything I can/should do about it now or later? I haven't added any liquid ferts and only a few small pieces of root tabs stuck in the gravel. Algae is still really fine and small, don't know if I could even get it in a photo, but if it's possible to nail it early I'd like to!

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In regards to the brown algae, I believe that to be new tank syndrome. I have it BADLY in my 4ft Iwagumi with a combination of new substrate releasing excess silica into the water and the plant mass getting established. Currently I'm keeping up with water changes every two days using the siphon to suck any loose algae out.

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Thanks. I have read about that and am expecting it. Is there anything I can do? Add more plants? Dose with anything? I'm currently doing weekly water changes, should I up the frequency yet or wait til it gets worse?

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Im really impressed with this your tank set up! Makes me want to redo my ar980t so bad haha.

Do it! and thanks :)

Here is a pic of the stringy algae stuff


The fuzzy algae


And the chalky white discolouration on the background


all seems pretty standard to me but the white one seems a bit odd

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Should I hit it with flourish excel? Algae killer? Reduce lighting period? I have no fish yet

I also noticed that some of the brown wispy stringy stuff is almost 10cm long now and is spreading...

And I just saw I have snails too lol. Anything I can do to nail them?

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The brown stringy stuff is just your tank settling in. A few weeks and a few water changes should sort it out.

Flourish excel would do the trick on the BBA as long as you don't have any plants sensitive to it (twisted val mostly). I squirt it straight onto the bba every day for a few days and it'll soon die off.

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