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Malawi survey


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I was hoping to gather some information about how many malawis you guys keep in your tanks (assuming ofcourse the tanksetup is only malawi) and how large your aquariums are (Litres/gallons)...whether it be now or in the past and give a brief indication on whether it was successful or not.....

Just curious and thinking of setting up one...but need to know from concensus what looks to be good (ofcourse I'll be doing proper research too)

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i know this post is quite old but..........

i have a 220 litre with

-a pair of aulonocara baenschi "sunshine peacock"

-one male copadichromis borleyi "borleyi redfin", (females will soon be added)

-a pair of cyrtocara moorii "blue lumpheads"

a 90 litre tank with a colony of electric yellows

a 220 litre tank with

-40 or so labidochromis caeruleus "electric yellow" fry

-8 melanochormis auratus "auratus" fry

-3 female copadichormis borleyi "borleyi redfins"

-6 copadichormis borleyi "borleyi redfins" fry

-8 or so labidochromis textilus "rainbow fish" fry

-2 peppered corydoras fry

-1 maylandia lombardoi "lombardoi" fry

80 litre male africans tank with.........

-3 male labidochormis caeruleus "electric yellow"

-1 male unidentified aulonocara species

-1 male melanochromis auratus

-4 small african hybrids

800 litre tank (pride and joy) with (takes a deep breath)

:x -1 dimidiochromis compressiceps male

-2 altolamprologus compressiceps (unsexed)

-1 melanochormis johannii male

-2 melanochromis auratus (one is turing into a male, the other i'm not sure about)

-a pair of maylandia lombardoi

-1 male aulonocara hansbaenschi

-1 tropheus duboisi (i think it is a female, could be wrong)

-3 year old labidochromis caeruleus male

-tyrannochromis macrostomas male (could be a tyrannochromis nigriventus)

-1 male maylandia greshakei

-trio of full grown nimbochromis venustus

-1 maylandia crabro male

-3 chinese algea eaters

pant pant :D

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hi, i have a successful malawi tank 4ft, at the moment includes:

3 x electric yellow (1 male, 2 females) breeding

2 x cabro (pair)

1 X venustus female

2 x blueberry (pair)

5 x lombardoi (pair, 3 unknown)breeding

2 x aratus (pair)breeding

2 x hansbaenschi redshoulder (pair)

1 x algae eater

2 x pleco (temporary quests)

plus electric yellow, lombardoi and aratus fry

most are between 3/4 and full grown, its alot of trial and error but this is my favourite tank :)

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