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Livestock suggestions please.... (Verticality aplenty)


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Hello fish friends

I'd like get some of your thoughts and suggestions on what to stock our new setup with. After a two year hiatus we have purchased a new Aquaone 620T(130L). We formerly had a community tank with the likes of angels, gourami's, Bolivian rams and various tetras.

We currently have the tank cycling with neons and cherry barbs and will pick up a some rams in a couple of weeks. The challenge now is how we go about selecting fish that are going to utilize the tanks full verticality, we would also like to have a bit of personality in the tank. I'm not opposed to getting more Angels but the wife isn't too keen, any thoughts on some feature fish and any other suitable tank mates would be much appreciated.

Thanks all :bggrn:

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Firstly, Hi & Welcome.

If you are looking for character then a dwarf cichlid would be your best bet for a tank your size. I would suggest Any type of aspito or ram. For the upper layer I would reccomend hatches or danios. For the lower levels I would reccomend some corys.

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:gpo2: I agree, I personally think the tank is too small for angels anyway dude.

Just for future reference you might like to add your location to your profile, this helps in a lot of ways as someone near you may have some fish that would suit your tank or have the same tank and able to let you view it to get some stocking ideas.

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Cheers for the input guys, the wife and son approve too. Also, are there any fish shops you can recommend in Auckland other than Hollywood? I was pretty happy with the Albany shop but options are always good.

The Bird Barn in Lincoln Rd is pretty good. Fish, frogs, turtles and even a few lizards last time I was in there.

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Cheers for the input guys, the wife and son approve too. Also, are there any fish shops you can recommend in Auckland other than Hollywood? I was pretty happy with the Albany shop but options are always good.

Animates Botany have a pretty good range of fish. Critter_crazy who is a forum member works there.

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A school of corydoras (at least 6, 10-12 even better) are great fun to watch. The more you have, the more active they seem to get - they're my favourite fish! We have panda cories, which stay small, so you could fit a decent school into a 130L tank.

We also have dwarf neon rainbowfish (melanotaenia praecox), which are beautiful and quite active. When our male is displaying to a female (or chasing after one - he seems to live in hope!), his blue and red colours get even more vibrant, and he gets a stripe of highlighter yellow colour from his mouth up to his dorsal fin that flashes on and off - it is quite spectacular.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback. We picked up three Bolivian Rams over the weekend and will likely add some Danios in due course. We are finding the Rams to be quite inquisitive and bolder without any larger fish swimming around the upper levels, its awesome watching them explore further from the substrate.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Blind cave tetra's are pretty cool. swim all over the tank too

Cheers, those guys are cool, might just see what the family think next time we add more livestock. Will take a break from further stocking for now as we just picked up some Leopard Longfin Danio's and a Tiger plec. We also succumbed to my sons requests to get a baby angel for his birthday (which we will need to re-home when it's bigger if we haven't got an additional, suitable tank by the time it grows).

We are well entertained by the danio's, they really liven up the tank and the plec is a hit with our boys, it's just a shame he is somewhat shyer than our last plec.

Thanks once again for the suggestions and advice, keen for as much insight as I can get so keep it coming if you have something to add :)

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