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What goes with What ?


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Hi Everyone

I have got a new/2nd hand 4 foot tank and was thinking of making it into my first Cichlid tank, now i really like the Electric Yellows and Blues, if i get these what else would i be able to put in with them as i know all cichlids are not compatable .? :-? Also how many in a 4 foot tank.

Thanks Guys and Girls :D

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Over here electric blues are Sciaenochromis fryeri. These will go with electric yellows, which here are Labidochromis caeruleus. Male blues can be agro, try & buy the yellows at a bigger size.

I used to keep Pseudotropheus aceii , with my yellows.(when I had malawis) these are docile for a zeb & won't cross breed. Great contrast of colours. These are blue/black bodies. Caudal fins are white or yellow depending on variant.

If you want to breed something different, colour wise try a member of the Protomela genus, steveni tiger, red empress, similis.... these are good with the others mentioned.

Bristlenoses go good as do clown loaches.


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