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buy a school of them, around 5-10

make sure they have algae to feed on, tend to avoid pleco chips ime

lotsa cover for them they hang around the twisted val in my tank, from what I heard when researching breeding them they like lime green coloured leafs like Twisted val and java fern

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they have a reputation of keeling over for no apparent reason. ime they are just fish that you have to be certain of their condition of before buying, only buy darker more vividly coloured ones, avoid them if they have swollen bellies, damaged fins etc.... they tend to not do well in shipping is my guess (i doubt quarantine has a nice supply of algae for them to munch on all day)

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they have a reputation of keeling over for no apparent reason. ime they are just fish that you have to be certain of their condition of before buying, only buy darker more vividly coloured ones, avoid them if they have swollen bellies, damaged fins etc.... they tend to not do well in shipping is my guess (i doubt quarantine has a nice supply of algae for them to munch on all day)

Once they get a regular algal food source they colour up, fatten up and become a lot more lively!

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would I have to feed them regularly, and if so, what?

Sorry, can't find any of this stuff anywhere!

I find they do not eat Pleco tabs hence the making sure you have plants with algae on them. Maybe someone else has found a commercial food that they do actually eat. Brown algae is easy to culture, stick some plastic plants in water under high light and it will take off.

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