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Fishing Trip Results 2


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After not finding any shrimp last weekend, I decided to try a different spot to see if I would have more luck.

I found a little stream flowing though the back of New Lynn along the back of Olympic Park. It was much more over over grown with vegetation than the last place I looked but still full of road run off. I had a good look around before dipping my net in. I saw a bunch of little fish, but nothing that looked like a shrimp.

I waved my net through the vegetation to see what I could find and I ended up catching about five tiny little shrimp. They're so small that I initially thought they were mosquito larvae, but after checking one out closely in the bucket, they are indeed shrimp!! :happy1: I spent another half an hour wading around and managed to catch a few more, but they seemed to go into hiding after a while. Still, I managed to get just over 10 in a small patch of stream, so they seem to be pretty plentiful.

I'll post some pictures of them tomorrow. The water in my tank is a bit cloudy at the moment from all the stream debris that got caught along the way.

There were also several patches of glosso growing in the stream. I paid $6 for a tiny little pot a few weeks ago, so I grabbed a chunk of that into my bucket too. I'm thinking I'll experiment with growing it emersed in a spare tank.

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Shrimp Pictures

Click on each image for a large version (and again for an even bigger version)

whRSYs.jpg Free swimming. About 1 cm long

BtbR2s.jpg They often hang out at the base of the rocks

HS7Hjs.jpg Size comparison with a bully. The bullys chase them a bit, but I haven't seen any actually get eaten

Lz5SAs.jpg Another fish pic since he posed nicely. They're super bold considering they were wild caught

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