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OScars Breeding


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Hi there guys,

My oscars have laid eggs for the third time now, but when they lay the eggs - they are not clear like other cichlid eggs. They come out looking hard and white. Like just after they are laid. Normally if infertile they turn white in time...

Has anyone had exp in this?

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Hi there guys,

My oscars have laid eggs for the third time now, but when they lay the eggs - they are not clear like other cichlid eggs. They come out looking hard and white. Like just after they are laid. Normally if infertile they turn white in time...

Has anyone had exp in this?

have nt heard anyone in NZ evr bred Osars succesfully so far yet. I had a friend whose Oscars lay eggs regularly but nver got hatched. I rekcon the male dose not like fertilizing in small water area.

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Well they just had another attempt, three days protecting eggs. They seemed to be solid white when laid again. But there were some clear looking ones, but they disapeared in the first night. Not sure if I have a dud female. They may be stressed with other fish in the tank, as they were showing signs of breeding for like two weeks pluss...

Anyone know?

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Yeh thats what I am wondering... They do it during the day so I havnt seen them in the act, but they have def paired up and chase all the others away.

I am trying to decide to move my other fish to other homes and leave the oscars to it, would love them to have a decent chance at breeding.

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