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Wavemaker controller


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I recently ordered a couple of wavemakers for my 100L tank but fear they may be too powerful. My question is, has anyone used a dimmer to control the speed of their pumps? I was thinking a simple plug in dimmer for fans would be best but can't find any solid advice out there.


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"flow can be reduced by trimming impellor down with a sharp knife (for really small tanks) a little noisy till it beds in but then quite silent, also sometimes it will start in the wrong direction and you have to switch it on again to make it go in the right direction"

From one of the reviews Sam.

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I don't think I'd try something as permanent as chopping down the impeller. Be really tough to keep it balanced unless you happen to have a magnetic balancer.

There's a good chance it won't be too much current, it should be a wide, slow current, so not a problem for anything but weak, useless fish like goldfish, discus, angels, etc.

Otherwise, cutting a small bit of plastic and over intake and rubber banding it in place should work ok.

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I would try blocking the intake with some hot glue. You can pull the glue out if it doesnt help. Or if you can dissassemble it, try putting a small plastic disk with a couple of hole cut into it, on the propeller side of the outlet, maybe with a small dab of glue to hold it there. Start with a few holes, and add more untill you have the flow you want

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