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Sick Guppy

mts sufferer

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In the last few days my male guppies fins has been nipped I think by my neons.

They took a large chunk out of his tale and there is only the stump of his dorsal fin left.

So I yesterday I put him in a breeder box thing and he seemed fine, was swimming around fine, was eating and had no sign of fungal infections fin rot etc.

But today when I got home he was lying upside down on the bottom, I looked closer and he started half heartedly swimming doing loops on his side and upside down. Then drifting back to the bottom.

All the other fish seem fine.

Does anyone know why this could be? Should I put some wunder tonic or aquarium salt with him or is there some other treatment? :dunno:

Thanks :hail:

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little fish don't seem to cope with shock very well. My fighter got beaten up by a mystery assailant one night and he also never recovered though I seem to remember he went downhill slowly

does your guppy have plant cover in the breeding box? he might be feeling vulnerable in the box by himself if it's at the top of the tank under the lights, which is where we usually put them

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My fav male guppy died last month after on of my broody blue rams nipped his tail. I separated him, but he was dead within 15mins from what i imagine was shock.

Sucks when it happens, but i guess it part of the hobby. We all want to play god, but sometimes things are still out of out control.

All the best to your guppy, hope it gets better.

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