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*Amazing Macro Photography! Bugs With Water On Them!*


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Becoming quite common now days, not 100% sure how it's achieved but I know they are set up shots. Not sure if the bugs are dead or glued but I cant imagine them sticking around after having all that water sprayed on them.


This guy has been doing it for a while and has been in National Geographic a few times.


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How do you know they're staged shots?

Becoming quite common now days, not 100% sure how it's achieved but I know they are set up shots. Not sure if the bugs are dead or glued but I cant imagine them sticking around after having all that water sprayed on them.


This guy has been doing it for a while and has been in National Geographic a few times.


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I was doing some reading up on it when I first saw them a while back. Frozen bugs, water spray bottles ect. I would say its safe to assume that for the " dew " to form up like that on an insect it would have to remain still for quite sometime not flapping their wings or moving at all. Wouldn't be surprised to hear that some are real but for every great bit of photography you can find that is real everybody jumps on the bandwagon and when you make money off it you can't really wait around for that perfect shot all morning so its easier to make your own.

Regardless of real or fake they are truly stunning images.

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