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Submersible pump brands


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Inspired by RUNAS and his DIY algae scrubber viewtopic.php?f=3&t=60272, I've decided to make one myself. I'm on the lookout for a pump that can do 3000L/Hr as that is the recommended flow rate from the FAQ at http://algaescrubber.net/ .

Had a look in LFS over the weekend, and I'm looking at about $300 for one of the main brands such as Eheim.

TM has quite a selection of what look to be Chinese brands. Does anyone use, recommend, avoid or have any other comments on any of these brands?

  • SunSun (model HQB-3500)
  • Tempercon - that's possibly just the name of the NZ seller (model WPHM6081)
  • Sobo (model WP5200)
  • Rio Aqua (model Rio Plus 3100)

They're all in the $50 - $100 range.

Edit: P.S. This is for a saltwater tank.

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Doesn't have to be in the $50 - $100 range if it's worth spending the money. I am just making the assumption that the main brands like Eheim are selling for such high prices because of the name, and also to give the LFS a bit of profit as well. I have no problem supporting LFS, but if I am paying 3x the price to do so, I'd rather get it elsewhere.

Where can you buy the Lagunas?

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Possibly skimmerless in the long run, but no rush.

Background: I have a Jewel Rio 400 tank with fish, live rock and soft corals. Hasn't been drilled. Currently using a Deltec MCE-600 HOB skimmer. Planning on putting the algae scrubber on top of the tank for the moment. 600x200x200 unit with 22" T5HO tubes either side of the screen which will be about 550x170. Head height required could be minimised to just over a foot from the pump. AS.net forums say I need about 3000 lph of flow for a screen that size.

My scrubber design I am getting made on Monday:


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laguna's are good if you can get them (fixed up a 15yr old one with the original impeller only a bit of gunk in it!!)

but make sure you can easily get parts for them as well just in case, Aquaone are a good brand (65% worldwide marketshare last I heard) a bit pricey but reliable and easy to get parts for.

or the marathons are good too, german build, good quality, hard to get parts (dunnno if they still make them)

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