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pistol shrimp and watchman goby


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You're onto it Skuzza. Apparently it's pretty awesome, the next most famous symbiotic relationship we can have in our tank after the clown / anemone one.

The shrimp digs the hole, and the goby moves in with it. During the day the goby comes out and sits there keeping an eye out for a passing meal. The shrimp also comes out but keeps one antennae on the gobies tail. If the goby sees danger, the shrimp can feel the gobies body language and dashes back to the hole. At night, they both tuck up in the hole and the goby places a small rock he keeps nearby over the entrance.

I know all this, not from personal experience, but from reading a thread on Reef Central by a girl who was totally pleased, she got the goby shrimp pair, and as luck would have it they set up their hole right in full view near the front of the tank, and they became the main feature of the tank, she was wrapped.

I'd like to do this myself, but you have to have sand.

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