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Bristlenose catfish


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This is the second time my cat has had babies :) We did nothing to encourage them to breed and have just let nature take its course ;)

The first time we got one baby and were very proud parents :) This time we have at least 17 and are very concerned parents.

I think the LFS will probably take them but how old should they be before I take them in?

Also what should I feed them?

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Finely crush some food when you feed the rest of the inhabitants and they will find it.

I know they need to be a reasonable size before being moved (or sold to lfs) but I am at work with no access to information and can't remember how big. 3cm at least I think.

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We have had several breedings now. Give the babies a slice of cucumber or zuchini weighted down. We have also scraped algae from edges of a pond and they love that too. They also like spiralina and shrimp pellets. Keep the tank clean. Found it is probaby best to remove mother as the male will start pestering her and after a couple of breedings we found our female dead and looking the worse for wear. Wouldn't advise any other fish in tank either. Caryl is right they sell them at about 3.5cm but I have found they don't move well even at that size and personally like to buy them at around 4.5 cm but have to pay heaps more.

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We have two females and one male in the tank and I am really not sure which of the females laid the eggs this time around so I wouldn't know which one to move out. I guess I could move them both into the guppy tank but due to over active guppies hormones I think they might be a bit crowded in fact all our fish seem to be acting rather strangely of late even the glow lights and neon’s seem to be in the mood. :)

I guess I will just keep an eye on Bruce (yes the fish have names) to make sure he isn't harassing Molly or Lucy to much and if he does I will move him in with the guppies.

personally like to buy them at around 4.5 cm but have to pay heaps more

I didn't know they cost more when they were bigger.

How much is a 4.5cm Bristlenose catfish worth?

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That's it !!!

I'm moving to NZ. Might ballance the migration numbers a bit. Seems 2/3 of Kiwis live in Aus.

Bristle nose would have to be the easiest of all plecos to breed. Feed them right, good water, and suitable spawning cave and you can't stop them!

And I only get $2 for a 5cm (SL) bristle here.

In my experience (35 yrs + breeding plcos), they need massive amounts of veg food. A few algae discs and what ever they scrounge around the tank will not get them into breeding condition.

A well fed female bristle nose will spawn every 40 to 45 days. Good size fish,,,,,50 to 80 eggs per spawn. Goes a long way to paying the food and power bills for the fish room every year.


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OMG they are worse than guppies is there anything you can drop in the water to maybe reduce their desire to breed quite so often. Unlike some of you we don’t have a fish room just one 4 ft community tank and a two foot tank that was meant to be a quarantine tank but turned out to be a guppy tank ;) Last count the numbers of cats had increased to 21 :)

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