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LED Turf Alge Scrubber (WEEK 3 photo added)


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Changed my design, no slots any more. What do you think of this?


Dimensions are 600 L x 180 W x 200 H. Inside the bays are 45mm wide for the lights and 78mm wide for the waterfall. Made the dividers in 2 parts. The bottom part is 50mm high and will be glued in to hold water in the middle section. Then I have 2 drop in pieces of acrylic that I can put on top as splash guards.

I've got some 12V, 40mm square fans that I can put anywhere in the light bays. I'd just drill holes when I want to install them. I've also added some 10x10 notches in the 4 corners to allow cables to run out.

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:thup: loving it :thup: I just used a piece of paper and a rule, I know...... so last century right :facepalm:

There is no hard and fast rule for the construction of these,so if its going to work for you go for it,however personally I would think about sealing the lights from the channel,you will get evaporation which may cause problems to light fittings.

Simple enough to make sliding doors at back to access tubes.

If you do that you just may want to make the channel wider, easier to clean thats all and if you install a bulk head fitting in the bottom at some stage you will need a minimum of 60mm for 25mm fitting. future proofing.

You may want to use a "gland fitting" for you cables to go through instead of the 10mm gaps, it will just make it a bit more light tight.

Ira is right,no need for silicon if you get the glue right they are water tight.

Other wise looking good, but are you sure the screen size is right 50mm x 15mm ? thinking 500 x 150 may work better


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Hehe I meant to say 50cm x 15cm, or 500mm x 150mm. The lights I'm using have waterproof caps on each end and are made for mounting directly above the water anyway. I guess I could try it this way and if I don't like it, I could always glue the panels in.

The channel is 78mm wide, so large enough to mount something underneath in the future.

Will take it to some plastics places tomorrow and see what it will cost.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not trying to hi-jack, just thought this might be the best place to post.

I was inspired by RUNAS to do one of these as well. Mine is a bit bigger and uses 24W T5HO's at the moment. My mesh is 550mm x 190mm, light from both sides. 2200L/H flow.

These are my week 1 pictures (I'll take week 2 tonight as I didn't get a chance to clean it over the weekend). Algae was about 2mm thick in most places.

Left half:


Right half:


Both out of the scrubber ready to clean:


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Hey Phantom. I was just thinking of ya on Sun, I was going to PM you to see how things were going but seems things are going great.

Great growth you have there, after a week ! I'm leaving mine alone now, having a peek a week to make sure no blockages and pretty much letting stuff grow.

To bad we don't have a "nice algae" smiley.

Nitrate levels ?


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Yes still using skimmer, although it pretty much stopped producing after about 5 days running the scrubber. Instead of filling the cup every 3-4 days, it is still only half full after emptying it about 10 days ago. I haven't done water changes while using the scrubber as I wanted to see how well it was working. The nitrates may have dropped, it's hard to really tell where the results sit. I'll do a decent water change this weekend.

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Nice diy, but alot of work for a pretty poor system of removing nitrate.

How anyone gets there nitrates to 80ppm is a mystery to me. A good skimmer, REGULAR weekly water changes and good base of liverock should take care of all of that easy.

Bit like a refugium (yes, i've had refugiums), pretty, but growing macro algae is a pretty poor way to control nutrients.

If you run your tank right, dont over feed and over stock, - basically the same as you would a tropical marine reef - shouldn't need any other bits and pieces.





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