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Betta Cancer?


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She a 'hm'pk, red and nearly 4 years old. Water params at 0 and in a heated tank divided into 4 with a pump keeping a waterfall thing going and a sponge filter, these guys usually get 2 x water changes a week at about 15%

Now.. She has a blunt 'lump' coming out of the side, it's not a slightly raised hump but a rounded jut out. This area displays the raised scale look of dropsy but the rest of the body looks in good health with the scales sitting flat. Think one green pea placed under her scales for size, shape and odd-ness. Her activity is fine, eating is fine, colour is good. Now she did jump into a make quarters last week before this popped up but she was definitely the boss in that battle.. She's double the size of this dude and he has no back tail now, she came out with a little split that healed before the morning.

Is the lump a common thing that I can fix and have never come across?

Battle wound?

Old betta with tumour?

Other.. Insert experienced fish owner knowledge here ***

Thanks muchly in advance.

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can you post a pic. One of my males has two growths, one on each side which I am assuming are tumours. They started off just as patches of no colour at all when he became old enough to develop colouring. Now he has coloured and they are raised with coloured scaling on the top of them. One of them looks a bit like a cauliflower head. He is in no way held back by the lumps but I dont want to breed from him (shame as he is the best male) as I wonder if they would pop.

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I need to set up some sort of photo website account thing I think, and I am about to pop out to Auckland for some lights and Breakaway's puffers but will defo do that when I'm home tonight or tomorrow.

Ohh warm air you say? I would say not, there's no lid keeping warm air in there.. I dropped it on my knee and it SMASHED. Really dramatic actually :slfg:

You say the cold air might be something.. I see. My house isn't too cold though 18 atm but colder at night of course. Certainly never the 30 of the tank.

So I need to suss a lid when I get home too?

If that was the case would warm air cure it?

If it were an abscess from a battle, would furan be the go?

I'm always keen to use treatments as a last option however.

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While betta like warm air, it is hatching fry developing their ventrals that are dependent on it. Not having a lid is very unlikely to be the cause. What I am interested in though, is that my betta came from Hamilton. How long has yours been like this?

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Just got home, I'm too tired to do photos tonight. I will do them tomorrow though. Ahh that's interesting, something in the water you think? This betta is from Auckland however, and I do have about 70 and she's the only one with this, and I haven't seen it in any of the other tanks before. She has had for about a week. I was thinking it was a battle wound.

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I took some photos, however apparently don't have the cable I need to get it on this computer. I even made a photo bucket account thing. I'll go on a mission.

So it may be an abscess and drainage is more effective than anti-bs... :dunno: wouldn't want to stick a syringe in her without knowing for sure and having some solid as 'crap' advice.. But I'm pretty reluctant on meds without knowing for sure too.

Does anyone think a dose of Furan2 will be detrimental at this stage?

Bugger.. Pics.. Cable.. Looking

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Haha yeah that's it. Had my little finepix thing that manages to take decent pics of my fish then opened it to find no memory card.. Pick up the Little SLR thing that I'm taking less than average photos with (I don't have the skills), got 'em! Take out the memory card.. No reader. I'll keep an eye out for USBs around the house but they don't seem to fit either.

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