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Moving a tank


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Hi all,

I have just inherited an 800litre tank with amazing cabinet and filter system and fish... It's 2.7 meters long and is being delivered thurs..... I am wondering how to move/ set up on other end? Shall I set up a couple of fish bins with spare heaters and bubbles until the tank is warm? Not heaps of fish in there. Maybe 20 or more but little ones. Cardinal and rummy nose tetras and 2 bristlenose and rams and things. I haven't had a look at the fish in it properly yet. I will look tomorrow.

I'm going to kill myself when I do a water change! :o

:) Jen :thup:

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yeah, use a fish bin to keep the fish happy until the tank is up and running.

have you checked to make sure your floor is strong enough for it??

if your worried about water changes set up a detachable hose system to the nearest tap.

p.s. Im soooooo envious

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Ha ha- ooo the floor- it's going into a school for a bit so eek I hope so?!

I have a picture I can upload of it when it was set up. I have no idea how to set this up without killing them all. It will be a 100 percent water change I guess? Because I'm not going to be able to take the water with me!

Anyone want to help ha ha!

You might inherit it when I lose my mind from water changes....

If I attach it to a tap, how do you check temp of water going in and do water conditioner for water changes?

Stupid questions sorry!

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about water changes, ask Sheepsnana, he recently set up a system like that, you just add the water conditioner to the tank when you start filling, or you could get a water filter that removes the chlorine.

you should add your location to you profile to make it easier for every one, if you in TGA i'd be happy to help if I can.

remember that a 800L tank will weigh approx 1000kg + when full, including stand equipment etc....

ensure it is placed across as many support beams as possible....

heres a similar thread


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I had a spare hose from a canister filter that I could attach to the kitchen tap. I could then attach a clear hose (about the same diametre as a garden hose) to the other end. The hose would not fit directly onto the tap as they were the same diametre. The filter hose had an inside diametre that was very snug with the outside diametre of both the tap and the clear hose. I got lucky.

I added the conditioner to the tank after removing 50% of the water, ready for the fresh water to go in. If you are filling the tank from scratch, when you add the conditioner probably matters a lot less.

1. Attach filter hose to kitchen tap.

2. Get clear hose ready (One end in the tank, one end by the sink)

3. Turn on tap to test for water temp (I felt the water temp, didn't use a thermometer as some people do). Ensure the water is simply going into the sink (easier to manage).

4. Attach clear hose to the other end of the filter hose, and begin filling tank.

Please note that others have a simpler method, please refer to an earlier post:


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If its 2.7 long and only 800L then it may not be too tall so you could be ok. If its 2' tall or taller though you may want to check the floor and make sure its running across the joists...

Water changes shouldn't be a problem, so long as you have a long enough siphon (invest in something larger diameter than a garden hose if you want to change more than 10-15% at a time or it'll take all day) to reach outside or a drain somewhere. Depending on the fish you keep, the temp of your tap water and the size of the water changes you're doing you may get away with filling it up straight out of the tap. IMO with a tank this size its worth investing in a ~200L barrel (and a small pump and more hose) to pre-heat and treat [if you're using chlorinated water] the water for your water changes.

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Thanks so much for all the help! It's going to be a challenge!

I took a photo of the filter today- I have not seen one like it. I can't get the photo on here though- my phone won't let me post it from Photobucket. Darn it!!!

I counted the fish today. 40 of them. Mostly tiny ones and Kribensis too.

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