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new aquarium stocking help

mts sufferer

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Hi Guys

My 12 year old sister is getting her first aquarium this week end. She is getting the aqua one 380 aquarium which is 34 litres. http://www.redwoodaquatics.co.nz/product_pcid_795.html

She wants to get a dwarf gourami, some cories, some Zebra danios, some guppies, some kind of algae eater and some kind of tetra or some harlequin rasboras.

She knows there is no way that she will be able to have all of these fish in such a small tank.

What would be the best fish for this tank, is there any that aren't suitable or aren't compatible from her wants list or is there some other fish that are more suitable? She is most interested in some cories and the gourami.

Also is there another better kind/brand of tank out there that is about the same size (no wider or longer than 500mm and 320mm, is in the same price range, still comes with all the stuff and is available in Christchurch as I haven't heard all good things about this one

thanks :D :bounce:

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Once its up and running for awhile she should be fine getting a pair of dwarf gourami - smaller ones like honeys and reds, a few guppies - go for just males or the tank will look like a bowl of fish soup after not too long and a small group of dwarf corys - pandas and pygmys etc. Also a couple of otocinclus cats would be fine in there aslong as there's a few plants for them to graze algae off.

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I would avoid the Zebra danios, go for a small group of harlequins if you must, but smaller fish such as emerald eyes and microrasbora, if you go guppies, go male only and you should be ok.

as for the gourami, make sure the tank is humming nicely before ading them, plus adding them last prevents a lot of aggression issues. The honey gourami are better as they get smaller, and the gold ones are stunning. another option would be a short fin betta (longfins dont like the surface filter unless you create a quite area for them.) or if you can find them Badis make good options too (is anyone seeing a terend here :P )

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Ok, so I was thinking 4-5 panda cories, a dwarf gourami of some description, maybe a few ottos, a male guppy and a small group of either emerald dwarf raspora or celestial pearl danio. Does that sound all right?

Does anyone know emerald dwarf raspora are available in New Zealand because I haven't seen any before? Thanks :D

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the emeral dwarf rasbora, i.e. Microrasbora ethromycron


easily available, and on the lists atm, just ask your LFS to order them in.

my personal favorite, the emeral eye rasbora


doesn't look like much, but they have a glowing green patch under the eye that can be seen from across the room.

p.s. good luck finding Celestial pearl danios, they are around but no one want to give me any :cry:

I'd try a group of 3 or so guppies to avoid any problems with him

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