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Guppy with pale spot?


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Hi all,

Just as I was getting ready to post...went to check guppy wasn't home yesterday...he's dead :(

Anyway, he had a pale patch on one side that extended to his top fin. It reminded me of when I had neon's and they had neon tetra disease (if I'm using the right name :facepalm: ).

I only bought the fish just over a week ago and I believe he may have been like that when I got him but not certain.

Anyway, any ideas what it may have been???

ammonia - 0

nitrite- 0

nitrate - 5



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Very hard to tell at this point Caper but I would not think neon tetra disease from one pale spot. Besides, I don't think guppies get it.

If it had some sort of pale spot when you got it there may be internal bacteria or infection behind the death.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The way the fish was pale reminded of neon tetra disease Caryl, it was just the best way I could describe it :dunno: When I released him into the tank I couldn't tell for sure if there was indeed a pale spot, but after a few days it was obvious. Although until the day/evening he died, he was eating and swimming with nothing other than the pale spot to indicate anything was wrong.

GrahamC: my pH (tank and tap) are always around the less than 7.6 :facepalm: The highest registered on the test strip is 7.6 (dark blue), next is 7.2 (green); so it's a definite blue but just can't tell if 7.6 :oops: Gosh I hate trying to distinguish colors... :facepalm: :happy1:

Thanks folks,

Caper :P

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