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A. Heckelii Gasping - Help please


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I got an Acarichthys heckelii last week and last night it is gasping a lot.

I picked it up in chch thurs afternoon and got back to Nelson with it Friday morning, Friday night it was still looking a little bit stressed. I did a 30% water change on Saturday and it looked better within hours. Sunday it looked great, it had coloured up well and was eating, no gasping. Monday evening it was gasping a lot but still good colours, still swimming fine.

Water tested PH 6.8 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate ~5ppm (from dosing ferts for plants)

I don't have many medications here just metro and levamisole.

Any suggestions?

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Possibly which is why I don't buy fish at present because I can't quarantine them.

One ends up in this situation where you don't know whether the new fish caught something from the existing inhabitants who had developed some resistance, or, whether the stress of moving had lowered the resistance to something which the new fish already had but under control.

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Fish is dead this morning.

I assume it was mostly caused by the stress of transport, and something it probably already had or been previously exposed to given how quick it went downhill.

Shouldn't one quarantine new fish for a few weeks first before introducing them to your existing tanks?

I do quarantine most of my fish that I buy, I don't believe quarantining would have changed the outcome in this situation, I have found most fish are usually quite stressed in a quarantine tank.

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