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raza man new tyrannis fish


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The trick is to be patient and decide in what types of cichlids are compatible and what you would like to keep.

Stay within the boundaries of acceptance IE only certain peacocks can be put together even though with their amazing colours we would like to keep them all.

Secondaly be patient with your purchases. I waited 3 years to find a dimidio and for $30.00 purchase and $160 flew him from wellington. One of three I have seen in 3 years.

Keep an eye out for fish the shops do not have a proper name for. This guy was in a show tank for a short while and they liked him but thought he was a hybrid. I got him with some pressure and $60.00

Turns out he was quite the man. However if he was a hybrid I would have given him away and accepted the cost of risking the id process.

I also have to accept that with him and some others I will be restricted to not keeping smaller genus types. Also because of fish size I have difficulty with all the young ones that shops keep. they get eaten.

Nice to be a part of this Kiwi Forum

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