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sampling a stream


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have a few days off soon and am thinking about investigating what is in a local stream near me.

its a reasonably fast flowing stream that runs through some rocky gorges and is only accessable through one private property for 20km in each direction. (plus the scenery is amazing)

any ideas on how I should see what is in it?, I can place some bully traps in the slower moving parts, and dip net into the snaggy areas, but how would I investigate the faster flowing areas to see if any torrentfish are in residence.

any other methods I should think about too?

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Torrent fish can be hard to find untill you get used to finding them.

You can turn rocks over with a net downstream, but this is hard work in the sort of flow that they live in and they are powerful swimmers so more often than not they will just swim up stream unseen.

The best way I have found to find them is with a good torch held just above the water line pointing up stream, at maybe 30deg. The best place is at the end of a pool where the water is just about breaking up. The best depth I have found is from about 200mm through to about 600mm. The seem to come up out of the rifles into the bottom edge of the pools at night

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any net should be ok. The only legal stickies would be the REMOVAL of trout (or fishing for them specifically with non-approved equipment) or fishing for whitebait (the fresh-run type, not the older post-whitebait) specifically with non-approved nets.

I certainly find nets with a flat base and square ends (U-shaped) are the most convenient for our sort of fishing - they fit flat against sandy bottoms and can be wedged between stones more easily when trying to catch a spotlighted fish. Though I usually take two nets, one with a flat edge, one with a round edge, just in case.

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