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Lab/german wirehaired point or purebred wirehair...??

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Lab/german wirehaired point or purebred wirehair german pointer...??

Does anyone know much about these 2 breeds?

Both used for hunting. Looking at getting a dog, either one of these breeds and I know what labs are like when they are older (health problems etc) so I was wanting to know if there are any health concerns or issues I should know about lab/pointer cross or purebred pointer?


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We have a lab/pointer cross (perhaps a few other things mixed in too...)

Personality wise can get a bit aggressive but unsure if that is due to breed, or having a bad upbringing (adopted).

Health wise he has had no major problems. Had a grass allergy when he was young and would get boils in between his toes, but again, I doubt it is a common trait among his breed.

He is nine years old now, and going just as strong as when he was younger.

Healthy dog, really fast, needs a lot of walks.


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I personally would go pure GWP or Pure Lab from working/ hunting stock - not show stock. But it would depend a lot on your situation and how much you plan to hunt him i think. A lab is a bit happier to stay at home, maybe slightly more biddable and a GWP is probably more driven and a good dogman will get far better results from him than a lab. The cross was bought about by people false impressions and poorly bred GWP that they were trying to tone down. There is a quite a bit of good stock of both breeds out there but far more rubbish churned out by puppy factories. A cross is as always a lotery as to what you get from the Dam and Sire.

Find a serious breeder that takes into account aggression, health issues and overall breed quality when they are breeding. There should be no aggression issues in either breed but i know there was some in earlier GWP lines also a little bit of epilepsy but i think that is rear now. There is still alot of hip probs in labs due to pour breeding. Good breeders should have this sorted though. Also there is usually waiting lists for the good GWPs. cheers


Trawl through this lot if you like. Plenty about Lab/ GWP crosses and of course the Pures.

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Labs can have problems with their cruciate ligaments, as well as the other hip/elbow problems, and buying a mix breed like that often means you can get a mix of breed-specific problems. That said, a lot of those problems can be avoided/minimised by keeping the dog lean and not over-exercising (especially on hard ground) at a young age.

I don't have much experience with pointers, but AFAIK most gun dogs (pointers, vizsla, weimaraner etc) are fairly similar in requirements; probably the main one being exercise. If you're willing to make the commitment to keep them busy (not necessarily hunting, but regular big walks off-leash) then they are amazing dogs. I may be slightly biased given that we have a 2 year old vizsla, she's an amazing dog but pretty intense at times both with energy level and attention needed (they call them velcro dogs for a reason!).

Any dog is a big commitment, especially a larger breed like a lab or a pointer that will need plenty of exercise. Labs also are well known for being gluttons, so keeping their weight in check can be a challenge. As well as the viz we have a beagle/fox terrier cross and he's a pretty good mix, I'd say go for the purebreed even if you aren't going to hunt/show/breed as you're more likely to be able to get a good idea of what you're in for, but don't completely write off the mutts either...

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Lab/german wirehaired point or purebred wirehair german pointer...??

Does anyone know much about these 2 breeds?

Both used for hunting. Looking at getting a dog, either one of these breeds and I know what labs are like when they are older (health problems etc) so I was wanting to know if there are any health concerns or issues I should know about lab/pointer cross or purebred pointer?


Sorry are you going to be using it for hunting?? or just stating that they both can be used for hunting?

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