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eheim diffuser


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I bought one and used it instead of the spray bar that came with my canister (2213), it is excellent produces lots of bubbles and saves the bills as no air pump is needed. It has a control valve to adjust the flow of bubbles.

I heard it does reduce ph so may not be suited for everyone. But I like it.

Shop keeper gave it to me on special as it did not sell, I wonder why?

bought $20.

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this is what I read: :smln:

The CO2 content of your aquarium is important if you are growing plants (though check out a discussion on which plants need supplemental CO2, and which may actually do worse with it!). But CO2 is also of interest to the general aquarist because it is intimately related to the water's carbonate hardness (KH) and pH; dissolved carbonates will raise both KH and pH, while addition of CO2 will lower pH. Here are some charts showing the relationship between CO2, pH and KH, along with a discussion of the actual chemical reactions. You can read CO2 content indirectly by from the combined pH and KH readings, from a good test kit, or try this simple metering method.

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this is what I read: :smln:

The CO2 content of your aquarium is important if you are growing plants (though check out a discussion on which plants need supplemental CO2, and which may actually do worse with it!). But CO2 is also of interest to the general aquarist because it is intimately related to the water's carbonate hardness (KH) and pH; dissolved carbonates will raise both KH and pH, while addition of CO2 will lower pH. Here are some charts showing the relationship between CO2, pH and KH, along with a discussion of the actual chemical reactions. You can read CO2 content indirectly by from the combined pH and KH readings, from a good test kit, or try this simple metering method.

Which isn't relevant unless you're feeding it with CO2.

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yes you are right the eheim diffuser has an air intake that is split into two one fed from my room the other fed into a Home made co2 generator made of yeast, sugar and water in a 50c garage sale oil bottle, one of those with a metallic pourer., I have it controlled at 2bs. The combination of the diffuser and co2 generator is a great all up around $23, I'll post some photos/video....

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Water has a greater affinity for oxygen than CO2. When a water supply has high iron or manganese or both it is usually because the pH has been lowered by hi CO2. Aeration will replace the CO2 with O2 and that changes the iron from ferrous to ferric which is almost insoluble (works for manganese as well) and it can be settled out. If you want hi CO2 you do not want aeration. Can't see the point in having both.

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Thanks I understand. learning all the time. One thing that has happened and maybe someone can help, Because I have a relatively new aquarium setup I had an invasion of brown algae (Diatoms) This has cleared up overnight, is this a result of aeration, C02 infusion or just the extra current supplied by the diffuser? or is it because I have lowered C02 through aeration.

Hey alanmin thanks for the chemistry, its info like that that makes this new hobby such a journey. I will turn off the oxygen supply and soley use C02.

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