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Earnie the tyre track eel - RIP


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last night was alive, thismorning, freshly dead.

sad day:(

i have had him approx 5 years, got him when he was 60cm. measured at 74cm at death.

i approximate 8 to 10 years old. wonder what the expectancy is.

had a good life, lots of prawns, some beef, some pellets....

dissected it, as i thought maybe swallowed a clown loach. stomach is empty. completely empty, no blockages.


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:evil: break out the smoker :evil:

it sad when the big guys die, my friend just lost her 8yr old Black ghost knife through a tiny gap where the filter enters the tank. keep getting mental images of it lying on the ground calling for mummy :tears:

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no, no dissection pics sorry:D but there really isnt much in the body ay, that thing was all meat!

it had a layer of fat, liver, heart wasnt big (what i thought was heart) then the gut isnt big either. but it was a thick hunk of meat!

sad, really sad, but i thought about it, it was very old! 8 to 10 years i believe. googling it, that is reasonable, so i dont feel AS bad about it i guess, got to a ripe old age.

new fish? well.... not sure about another eel, i find smaller ones tend to be very easily phased and die easily.

was thinking perhaps a school of another type of loaches lol

dont know, or more mid dwelling fish actually, cichlids perhaps:D fire mouth, texas...cheap, pretty and eats heaps:D

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Sorry to hear the sad news Henward, i have a small fire eel here (20-25cm) looking for a large tank as a new home. It's in with another fire eel and the banded knife and brown ghost knife i got off you.

Let me know if your keen.

sorta keen, but thinking of buying a red severum, might take my funds, so depends on how much it is for lol

whats the diet of the fire eel?

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Its eating blood worms mainly, the brown ghost i got from you was struggling for food in the 7' tank in the house so moved it to the big tank in the shed to feed it up but it will only eat blood worms where as the banded knife is keen on prawns. The fire eels race the brown ghost for the blood worms, once its getting nice and fat im planning on starving them to change them over to prawns etc, my black ghost inside loves dry food but the others just ignore it. If your keen on the eel you can have it for $40, i paid $70-$75 from hff approx 9 mths ago.

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oh dear! &c:ry hope that doesn't happen anytime soon to my fire eel, he's a good 75cm now. there have been a few times when i've thought "oh crap here we go" because hes been found upside down...turns out thats the way he sleeps! either that or draped over a vertical ceramic pipe.... silly eel !

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