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NSW shelf life/storage?


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A little weird one but, if I was to go and collect NSW say 200 lts is it fine to sit in 20lt containers, for say 3 weeks? or does it require filtration while its sitting.

My reasons are if I collect it, it will be more cost effective the more I get,over making syntheic water, closest for me is an hour away,hence I would get a minimum of 200 lts which would give me about a months worth of weekly 60 lt changes to make the trip worth it.

I can get 20 lt food grade drums through work for free, I may even be able to get a plastic 250 lt drum with a screw lid.

If I charm the right people I could get a 1000 lt maxi bin free, who wants NSW in Hamilton :thup:

Any advice appreciate!

Oh yeah quick up date, new tank going primo! filter socks doing awsome job!


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I should have asked as well.

Is there any percautionary measures/additives for NSW to remove any unwanted guests.

Should it be filtered etc,or do you just take as mother nature intended and get what your given.

Just wondering.

Thanks in advance


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In a previous life when I kept a few cold water marines (finally the norwesters got them) we used to deliberately store the sea water in black 20 litre containers for 6 weeks before use. The theory was that it killed off all the nasties. It probably killed off all the good stuff.

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