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Feeling soo happy"


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Feelingg soo happy" :happy2: :happy1:

I am happy to see my Midas baby fish in HFF display tank..

Iam soo happy because i could spread my Midas/red devil fish out into the market and without overpopulation ..

What sort of feeling you guy get when you see your fish at a person tank?/

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Iam soo happy because i could spread my Midas/red devil fish out into the market

Many people don't approve of spreading mutts and hybrids, especially when they're going to likely be sold falsely labeled to people who don't known any better and will then insist they're pure because that's what the LFS said.

It's part of the reason many species are difficult or impossible to find good quality fish.

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Many people don't approve of spreading mutts and hybrids, especially when they're going to likely be sold falsely labeled to people who don't known any better and will then insist they're pure because that's what the LFS said.

I know what you're getting at, but with this Amphilophus complex you're trying to shut the gate after the horse has bolted (and galloped 50 miles down the road and been hit by a truck). Try find a true Amphilophus citrinellus or labiatus anywhere, I doubt if there is any in NZ fullstop, about the only way to be sure it is an actual species is to buy from someone like Jeff Rapps who has collected them from a known location. And even then its not really 100% as those who study the genus aren't all sure themselves as the two species vary greatly over their range.

The fact is that the two (or more, depending on how it ends up split/lumped) species have been freely crossed by people for countless generations, the safest bet is to call any fish know from a known source/location simply Amphilophus Sp. or midas/devil mix as Jack has done and enjoy them for the awesome fish they are.

Here's some more reading for you;



And here's a pic of one of my old "mutts" from Jack, fantastic fish, just starting to go thru his second colour change into the mottles red/white look.


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Well done, he is a pretty cool fish :) He was the star of the show (well if you discounted the africans which will always be the stars) at the pet expo last year for the fish club.

I always get a buzz out of getting something cool/rare and breeding and spreading good examples so others get a chance to own/enjoy them.

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Many people don't approve of spreading mutts and hybrids, especially when they're going to likely be sold falsely labeled to people who don't known any better and will then insist they're pure because that's what the LFS said.

It's part of the reason many species are difficult or impossible to find good quality fish.

I agree with that statement Ira, there a say " What come around, go around"

Pure Red devil or MIdas are so rear to find these day at LFS, As David R pop the link, and i knowing that some people cant acceptant this fish is not a hybrid..

To all the Cowboys and Indian in this hobby, who can truely tell that the fish is a pure breed line.

Midas/Devil or hybrid whatever given to us here we just have to live with it.

A decline in this speices to me would be a great lose in this hobby.

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Well done, he is a pretty cool fish :) He was the star of the show (well if you discounted the africans which will always be the stars) at the pet expo last year for the fish club.

:slfg: Iam not going into details regards to the Africans as i know you love them so much...

hey sir how do i get a hold of last year calendar off you? :thup:

and yes that fish David R show pics is one of the baby of the star fish.

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I love flowerhorns, and they are the biggest mutts of all. At least red dev/midas resemble close to the actual species lol

FH are completely a different species now....

got nothing against hybrids -

red tail cat and tiger shovernose hybrid... Awesome.

Freshwater ray hybrids... Awesome

the problem in nz is that when we get a nmew type of fish - breedable fish. Everyone rushes to breed them, putting lfs out of commission due to cheap trademe prices.

thats what is harmful for the hobby. cos then, there is not much incentive in bringing in fish from overseas that isnt here already.

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