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900x450x450 lowtech planted


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Hi !

Thought I would share my tank with you all - it's 900x450x450 planted community tank I've been working on for the past few months.


Sorry about the photo quality, old camera.

It has a good active group of around 16 barbs , 2 BN Plecos, 1 golden algae eater , a male and female swordtail and a rainbow shark.

The 2 larger tiger barbs "duel" every night , it's quite entertaining.

The skull cave on the left side is where my rainbow shark lives. It sits there with its nose poking out and chases anyone who comes near..

Tank has got Java fern, Twisted Val, Amazon sword, cabomba, dwarf hairgrass, christmas moss & some cutty grass type thing I got from HFF I can't remember the name of.

Most of the wood and rocks in there and from maraetai beach after a good soak in boiling water.

I used daltons for substrate and silica sand as top coat + some gravel I had.

I dose with very small amounts of flourish + excel, about 1/4 normal dose.

It's a work in progress, I plan to do more to the right hand side, spread more cabomba across the back as it grows and replace the rock in the front with more smaller rocks from the beach, next time I'm there. Also would like to try attach moss and maybe some smaller java ferns to the skull cave to make it look a bit less plastic. Shark loves the cave, so I gotta keep it, just figure out a way to hide it.

I use a 300w heater, 1400 l/ph external filter with bioballs, ceramic noodles and coarse sponge + a powerhead for more flow inside the tank. It's not very powerful but can't remember exact flow.

This is my first tank larger than 60l and didn't really have much of a plan when I started it. It seems to have taken on a life of it's own as I progressed and as it fills out.

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