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I feed my fish nls and i feed twice daily with the odd day of no food. I think i may not be feeding enough as the y look a little thin between the pelvic and anal thin if that makes sense. There is an inward arc between the pelvic and anal fins and i noticed one of my haps had some white poo today which i've never seen. I thought white poo was a sign of bloat and i don't think i am over feeding

There are 23 fish in the tank 15 juvie mbuna and 3 5cm haps. The other haps/peacock are around 10cm and 3 of these i think are lookin a little thin. I feed approx 3/4 teaspoon per feed, which in hindsight is prob not enough. Can i up the amount straight away or should i adjust it slowly? how much should i be feeding per feed?

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Will need to make an app with the Vet, as Metro is abit of a pain to get to be honest, give the Vet a big speel about whats up with your fish and what you need to treat this internal parasite, most of the time people like you and me know more about fish keeping and meds than they do.

How many litres is your tank??

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Hmmm, so your going to need about 8.5 400mg tablets for one treatment :roll:

Metro is ineffective after 8-12 hours so need to treat twice a day, with a near 80% water change in between each dose, need to complete 6 doses.

Was going to offer to send you some, but with the amount you are going to need, will be better for you to get them from the Vet.

Far easier to treat in a 40 Ltr tank, hence the 400mg per 40ltrs.

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Will be 8.5 Tablets per treatment, which should be twice a day, as Metro is only effective for 8-12 hours.

I'm going by what Discusguru advised me to do when I had problems with the Discus I got from him.

I put the tablets into a snaplock bag, roll a glass over them to crush them into a fine powder then mix with a small amount of water untill its a smooth paste, then add more water, then add to the tank.

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I would probably start with something a bit milder and easier to get and cheaper like levamisole.. If your fish are eating then it isn't urgent yet, if you chuck some levamisole in they should start improving with a few days so that will give you something easy to start with.

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is levamisole a fish shop treatment?

It is avaliable over the counter from vets/pet stores for worming birds.. I think you can even order it online if u google it.. If u can get it I can probably send u enough to do your tank 1ml does 115l so u would need like 6mls for the 2 dosages needed hardly worth u buying a 50ml bottle...

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cheers guys i know a vet so will see what i can get. Mbuna look fine its only a couple of haps and a peacock, they might be gettin outgunned at feeding time by the mbuna. Will try changin a few things at feeding time and see if things improve over easter and that will give me a chance to suss the levamisole just in case. The hap with the white poo has normal poo now so, but will keep an eye on them.

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It is avaliable over the counter from vets/pet stores for worming birds.. I think you can even order it online if u google it.. If u can get it I can probably send u enough to do your tank 1ml does 115l so u would need like 6mls for the 2 dosages needed hardly worth u buying a 50ml bottle...

I have a very persistent bout of white spot. No deaths and when I think it's all gone it appears on a clown loach or 2. Have been treating initially with salt and temp and now wunder tonic. Not full doses as aware that loaches are sensitive to treatments.

Would this levamisole help?

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I have a very persistent bout of white spot. No deaths and when I think it's all gone it appears on a clown loach or 2. Have been treating initially with salt and temp and now wunder tonic. Not full doses as aware that loaches are sensitive to treatments.

Would this levamisole help?

Levamisole won't help it is for internal parasites although some things I have read suggest that it boosts the fishes immune system..

Best thing for white spot is blue circle white spot cure.. But salt and temp should deal with it how much salt are you using.. The blue circle looks like this http://www.google.co.nz/search?tbm=isch&source=mog&hl=en&gl=nz&client=safari&tab=wi&q=blue%20circle%20white%20spot%20cure&sa=N&biw=320&bih=393#i=0

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