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Me and my big sis sharing the love (fairly big pictures)


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apology not warranted anyhow?people that try and humanise their pets are dorks whatever way you look at it.I can understand it to a point with a cat or dog but a reptile that is in effect a living fossill ,been around for millions of years,no way just plain dumb!!

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It was (and is still) a rather personal attack. If they/you felt so strongly about a reptile on a cat's stomach, constructive criticism may have gone down better.

at least on the forum we can express our opinions....unlike, say a blue tongue on a cat.

I thought this forum was for advancing knowledge of the hobby, improving the care of reptiles and sharing opinions. The first post in this thread does none of these. I said why I thought it was dumb, and then I tried to take the edge off my comments- it was not an apology.

Too many of you try to anthropomorphosize your pets.....it's about the animal, not you!

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It was (and is still) a rather personal attack. If they/you felt so strongly about a reptile on a cat's stomach, constructive criticism may have gone down better.

just saw your signature:

Giant bullies need high salt content in the water, so prob not good to keep with Cran's bullies which are entirely freshwater.

And having koura in a 4 foot tank will stress the daylights out of your bullies.

Maybe looks good....but it's about the animals, not you.

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What what what what?? :facepalm:

Try and follow your train of thought.................

People used to eat people........should we be talking...do we eat sharks or do they eat us....

If a cat scares a blue tongue and noone knows...did it really happen?

if someone does something dumb and noone else points it out..is it dumb?

Or does it say something about the people on the forum??

Your comment is ridiculous- no offence intended.

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just saw your signature:

Giant bullies need high salt content in the water, so prob not good to keep with Cran's bullies which are entirely freshwater.

My sig says "maybe a giant bully", it was caught in pure fresh water and Stella couldn't ID it as either Common or Giant.

And having koura in a 4 foot tank will stress the daylights out of your bullies.
The bullies couldn't careless about the koura... are you going to tell me off for having a comet in with my natives?

Maybe looks good....but it's about the animals, not you.
So dont ask for exotics to be imported in to NZ then.
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“Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.” Theodor W.

this quote shows what happen when we do not humaise thing we then automaticly think we when are better them. Because look at what man has done compared to aninmals.

We humanise animals and they have a better standed of living.

At their most harmonious, humans and pets resemble other forms of symbiosis in the natural world. James ­Serpell, a veterinary professor at the University of ­Pennsylvania, and the author of In the Company of Animals (an argument for pet-keeping published in the 1980s), told me that it reminds him of the relationship between tropical cleaner fish and the dangerous creatures they swim aboard. “We’re in the role of the larger predatory fish,” he said. “These are animals that we would other­wise eat, but we prefer the social support they give us, even it does require adaptation on both sides.” The rise of pet-keeping can be seen as an evolutionary process, by which dogs, birds and cats – and more recently rabbits, reptiles and fish – have accepted human names and limits on their freedom in return for a lifetime of warmth and food.

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you seem to have made this whole thread about you

I will try to be more constructive oh wise one :sage:

No I won't give you advice on your natives and goldfish.

Importing reptiles? I never asked about it, and what does that have to do with the welfare of the animals.

Whole thread about me?

You seem to be missing the point.

How many times have you asked for advice on the forum..seem to hand out alot of advice, but then again you are a sage :sage:

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Then why do you keep pets? By your own standards, you're a hypocrite :facepalm:

I keep them because I want to know more about them, and I enjoy it.

I keep them as I make money from it.

I enjoy helping people realise that reptiles are not scary- that's why I do Kid's expo's and help people out.

I look after my stuff...well.

If I need advice i ask for it.

Nothing wrong with doing things that benefit me and the animals I keep.

There is something wrong with people who do things that make them feel good without any benefit to the animal....

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at least on the forum we can express our opinions....unlike, say a blue tongue on a cat.

I thought this forum was for advancing knowledge of the hobby, improving the care of reptiles and sharing opinions. The first post in this thread does none of these. I said why I thought it was dumb, and then I tried to take the edge off my comments- it was not an apology.

Too many of you try to anthropomorphosize your pets.....it's about the animal, not you!

Then i would like to know how photos of your brother collection, "is advancing knowledge of the hobby, improving the care of reptiles and sharing opinions."

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You seem to be missing the point.
am I?

Try and follow your train of thought.................

People used to eat people........should we be talking...

This is sort of the point I was making. By your own logic in this comment, you are contradicting your comments on the first page (that a bluetongue and cat should not consort).

Anyway I'm off to bed.

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am I?

This is sort of the point I was making. By your own logic in this comment, you are contradicting your comments on the first page (that a bluetongue and cat should not consort).

Anyway I'm off to bed.


It's not about natural order or anything 'high brow'.

Good Night.

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Then i would like to know how photos of your brother collection, "is advancing knowledge of the hobby, improving the care of reptiles and sharing opinions."

Creates interest in reptiles so it advances the hobby....makes people aware of the different morphs of bluey, makes them aware how cool shingle backs are....and yeah I was trying to get frill necks on the radar to find out if any of you have them.

Got a head's up as a result of that thread of a different sub species of bluey down the line.

Maybe should have put the dog in the shingleback enclosure though for the cutesy wootsy fuzzy fun tingly factor though....I'll let him know...could have been a real kodak moment :love:

Again, you are missing the point.......sharing photos of reptiles is cool, doing something that is not good for the animal or promotes other people to do so is not.

Don't argue because you don't like me..sorry but I don't care- just take a breath and have a think about what is wrong with doing what you did. Apologies if I offended you, but its been pretty entertaining and this forum can be pretty basic sometimes you have to admit.

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Creates interest in reptiles so it advances the hobby....makes people aware of the different morphs of bluey, makes them aware how cool shingle backs are....and yeah I was trying to get frill necks on the radar to find out if any of you have them.

Got a head's up as a result of that thread of a different sub species of bluey down the line.

Maybe should have put the dog in the shingleback enclosure though for the cutesy wootsy fuzzy fun tingly factor though....I'll let him know...could have been a real kodak moment :love:

Again, you are missing the point.......sharing photos of reptiles is cool, doing something that is not good for the animal or promotes other people to do so is not.

Don't argue because you don't like me..sorry but I don't care- just take a breath and have a think about what is wrong with doing what you did. Apologies if I offended you, but its been pretty entertaining and this forum can be pretty basic sometimes you have to admit.

In that case i expect you do not to go to the doctor for medication as alot of your drugs were tested on animals and also alot of your ops were tested on them and they did no good for the animal as it lost it life did it get some thing ut of it ? What other people do is there choice. and alot of the points you made to defend your photos can be found on google. Also dont argue because i dont like you? I havent meet you so i can not pass judgement on you. However i do think you have a case of the keyboard warrior.

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Every thing is a risk.If i hadnt of risked the cat seeing him and feeling him i run the risk of the cat be more Curious therefore trying to get into the cage. Did it pay off? yes as now the cat is no longer waiting for him to move or come out i can now feel safe as there is not a cat to jump in as soon as i open the cage. But at the same time i ran the risk of him being attacked while he was on her but what was the bigger heath hazard him being attacked while we are away in his or while he was on her? Also i the pictures When i show the picture most people then go on to ask how the cat behaves and i have even have questions were there cat has found a skink and what should they do? and once i tell them the basic like dont let you cat destube and try to keep the cat away and the basic like that they say thanks a one person has say that she her cat are no longer interested after her cat sniffed one and she gave it a tap on the nose and now she has them running around the while the cat is asleep. Just like a friend of mine had a dad that was a nature person and one day he brought an eel,blue tongue and parriot to school and everyone had a pat of the blue tongue. How big of a risk was it for us to give it something? huge yet after that kids were calling him for injured skink they had found and he was able to nurse them back to heath was it a benfit to the bts ? No it was a huge heath risk yet that risk went on to save some skinks. And it makes people day to see some thing they have not seen in a life time. I Know the old people like it at my nana rest home. and the benfit to him can be that he gets a nice snail and egg mix at the end of the day and a warm box to sleep in. and i get nice photo to share with people

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Maybe I should apologise at this point, as it is one of my bts young, Yindi is part of the family, she has a place she eats, a place she basks and warms ups, a place she goes to use the bathroom and a place she is supposed to sleep in. When I need to find her because people are coming over, or shes late for dinner calling her works about 70% of the time, tricking her by saying snail works all the time except when shes close to giving birth or going into brumation. Her son Stew is the same, except being young much more adventurous, his restricted freedom gives him more chance to learn to live with us rather then us keeping him. We have learnt a great deal too about how they communicate, and still get blown away by their intelligence.

Many mornings I wake up with the 2 bts and the cat in bed with me, usually the lizards have a mammal sandwich arrangement and the added benefit of a cat cleaning service. The cat gains companionship, and the lizards get warmth. I stay single. Quite an effort for the bts to climb onto, so they must get something out of it, there are plenty of other places that a warm around the room for them, I'm past the point of trying to stop them doing it, a cat is bad enough.,

They have a lovely big enclosure, but not once have they been happy in there. Sit like lumps till the next meal arrives, bask a bit, sleep, maybe rest some where else. I like to see those heads up, tongues darting in and out, bright eyes. They're active, intelligent and inquisitive creatures, and very easy animals to live with.

I would never recommend this to any one, I put a lot of time in to my animals to learn how they communicate and try to understand them a bit to make their lives easier, I believe they need stimulus in what ever way they can get it, an animal might be solitary but it has all kinds of relationships with the other creatures around it. One of the things my skinks love is a steep tall ramp, I have bird grit on it and it helps keep their nails trimmed and their legs strong as they don't drag so much. Yindi goes up and down a few times a day, there is an old blanket up top to burrow into. Stew being young goes up and down 10's of times a day.

But this is coming from a person who taught the cat all the regular dog tricks and makes toys for his fish :roll:

Different strokes :sage:

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I keep them because I want to know more about them, and I enjoy it.

I keep them as I make money from it.

I enjoy helping people realise that reptiles are not scary- that's why I do Kid's expo's and help people out.

I look after my stuff...well.

If I need advice i ask for it.

Nothing wrong with doing things that benefit me and the animals I keep.

There is something wrong with people who do things that make them feel good without any benefit to the animal....

So it's not all about the animals, then - seems it's more about you :roll:

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