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Fantail goldfish possibly has some kind of external parasite


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It's not itch. I've dealt with itch before. This is tiny white threads all over it's body, tail and fins.... WAY too many to be anchor worms I think, and they are a lot tinier than what I've seen online on google images of anchor worms..... I'm talking not even a millimetre thick and only about 2 1/2mm long if that.... all I have here is Tonic salt and Wunder Tonic. I put salt in the tank. Apparently Wunder Tonic doesn't treat external parasites. Advice would be greatly appreciated thank you :o)

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Thanks alanmin. I'm starting to think it might be anchor worm as the threads look like little white cuts/wounds ... I can't see them moving and I can't see any anchor worms.... so I'm thinking maybe they are wounds from when the worms burrow into the fish? Anyway, apparently potassium permanganate treats anchor worm so since I've already used tonic salt and it doesn't seem to have done anything, I'm going to try Wunder Tonic and if I still see no success I'm going to try potassium permanganate. Can you get this from the LFS? I shop at Animates.

Also, will PP do anything to my good bacteria in the filter?

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It is many years since I used pot. perm. One of my older books suggests treating the whole tank at 2ppm which can be increase to 4ppm without problems. This is 2-4mg/litre. Leave for several hours then at least half the water siphoned off from the bottom to remove any that have let go and fallen to the bottom. It is a strong oxidizing agent so may reduce filter bacteria. Anchor worms are more common on goldfish in ponds. You can get pot.perm from the chemist so work out how much you need for 2ppm and then get two lots weighed up in case you want to double the dose.

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Thanks for that alanmin. Is the reason anchor worms are more common in pond goldfish because they are picked up from live food? Because my goldfish were in a bathtub pond outside until about 3-4 weeks ago and there were live bloodworms in there... noticed them when I was cleaning it out to move it once....

I never feed live food to my fish .... they get frozen bloodworms and dinners but never live food.

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