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My new arrival Mr eel


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I got my new fire eel yesterday.

He is 35cm long and a monster.

Unfortunately he is only eating blood worms atm, will try and train eating shrimp. He is in with my Oscars so this could be a tricky process lol.

Will add a photo as soon as I can so you guys can see him, he is very well coloured!

Lives with my other fire eel and two other zebra eels and they all get along well and a buddy up in their caves together.

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haha dead right you dont want them too big anyway mines a right pain in the bum, only eats worms and took him a month to eat anything, wont even look at anything else. he gets 20-30 worms a day/ second day. hes grown about 7cm since november after being fed bloodworms at bird barn

is mr Eel yours henward? (i cant look at youtube, uses too much internet :an!gry )

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  • 3 weeks later...

They are both doing very well, the small one comes to the surface to eat and the large one is comming rite out of his cave to eat out of my hand. They go through three shrimp per night now. I am going to start stuffing them with the pellets and hopefully get them onto pellets at some stage.

They have to compete with my greedy oscars though :o

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