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Corydoras Schwartzi breeders/keepers?


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I have 6 adult schwartz cory and I am keen on some breeding advice. I have them in there own 60L tank. Water temp around 26-27. Not sure of sexes but havn't had a good look. Do I need a spawning mop? I have heard this is a difficult species of cory to breed in captivity. So am I wasting my time? Any advice would be awesome!

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when I was looking at getting some I could only find a couple of accounts of successful breeding.

Here is one account of a successful spawn


Here is one that I saved when I was looking cos the link was buried deep on the web and really hard to find



Feed them with high protein food. Live worms or good frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms. The females will be the heavier of the fish. Males are smaller and not as thick body. When females are full of eggs, do a big water change with water that is colder. Increase the water flow a lot. I add another outside filter to the tank and really get it moving. This should get the fish to spawn within a day. If that does not work, I turn off the extra filter, feed really good for another week, then do another big water change and start up the outside filter again. May take a couple of times doing this, but the colder fresh water and

heavy water movement will trigger spawning.

Good luck

David Ramsey Lawrenceville, GA

Some other advice I found was to put them with a cory that is easier to breed (like bronze cories) that are spawning regularly and hope that the hormones will trigger the schwartzi's to spawn.

Also make sure that yours are adults, don't think cories start breeding until 18mth -2yrs but don't quote me on that as I haven't ever bred them.

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