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Killer bristlenose


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Your bristlenose is acting that way for a few reasons.

No bogwood to munch on (need that for digestion)

no hiding spots or caves

I would also suggest you feed the fish a lot less, there is too much food.

He is going pschyco to protect the food too, so I would suggest that you put a piece of food tablet on the one side of the tank, wait for him to start munching and then put another one on the other side of the tank.

He will need some greens, I could not see an algae wafer or veggie for him, that would calm him down too as the others won't try and steal that from his since they eat the other foods.

And I think he is a she, I can't see any obvious bristles, but he might still be too young, can't judge his size from the video

ps after watching the video a second time, I sort of judged the size of your tank and will not suggest you have another bristlenose in there as well, they get up to 15cm and have quite big terrotiries (sp) so your tank is a bit on the small side for floor terrotiry (sp)

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Yeah im going to be putting him/her in my new tank once that has cycled with driftwood can plants caves etc. hopefully he will like that more.

I don't know what you mean by too much food.. there is one algae wafer in there. the other white things are snails.

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Yeah im going to be putting him/her in my new tank once that has cycled with driftwood can plants caves etc. hopefully he will like that more.

I don't know what you mean by too much food.. there is one algae wafer in there. the other white things are snails.

My appologies, I noticed the snails when I knew what they were, what algae wafer are you using, I suggest hikari algae wafer, it does not break up to quickly and has lots of good nutrients to others. (in my opinion) What do you feed your other fish?

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My bristlenose is mental. Attacks the other fish and killed my other smaller BN 2 weeks ago. Watch this vid. Takes a bit to get into the attacking part...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiV4WbcTE6U&list=HL1326425087&feature=mh_lolz

I don't see anything particularly out of the ordinary. Especially given the tiny size of the tank and the total lack of cover.

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Thats ok no worries lol

I feed aqua one vege wafers at the mo. And feed the other fish tropical flakes.

I have heard about feeding zucchini before. How do you blanch it and how much to feed?

Any other veges you would also suggest?

Since you feed your other fish flakes I suggest doing this until your other tank is ready. Feed your fish and wait for them to finish eating their flakes and once they are done, switch your tank lights off (at night) and then wait a few minutes and drop the wafer in. I really suggest getting hikari in the future. I feed my bristles some zucchini right from the shop, just rinsed and chopped in half, no blanching nothing. They also seem to like pumpkin very much, do exactly the same no blanching just rinse and weighing down with a fork stuck in if you don't have anything fancy.

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I have heard about feeding zucchini before. How do you blanch it

You don't have to. I only boil it because that way it sinks and I don't have to try to weigh it down.

I put it in big container in the microwave and boil it for about 5 minutes.

and how much to feed?

For the single bristlenose it looks like you have, maybe a single slice a couple mm thick every day or two.

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I usually put my veggie in at night before my bedtime and take it out in the morning when I wake, for your one bristlenose Ira is spot on, just a wee slice will be enough for him/her. If you leave zucchini in for longer than a day it tends to cloudy up your tank water. Best of luck for you, and your bristlenose :wink:

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hey where'd your movie go?

one of my first fish when I was a pre-noob noob was a cool male bristlenose who had plenty of cover and a wood to chew but he was still grrrrumpy. He wouldn't let the corydora touch the sinking wafers and would chase them away. It was amusing at first but then I rehomed him so the others could eat.

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