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How neccesary are CO2 systems in freshwater aquariums??


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When you add CO2 into a planted aquarium things get complicated.

I disagree. It might take a little while to find the right balance, but once you do there's bugger all to it. Just dose your ferts regularly and watch the plants go for it. Plus you'll virtually eliminate algae once the plants kick off - I haven't had to clean the glass in my tank for several months now :bounce:

+1 to what Alan and Ira said - you'll need lights and ferts to go with it, and you'll get amazing plant growth.

The downside? Having to prune all the time :roll:

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There's a lot of learning to do in there, substrate fertilizers, macros and micros, Diffusing the CO2, CO2 systemslighting, photoperiod, substrate, pH, gH, kH, water depth ect once it's set up you're good to go, but some plants don't like a high tech system.

Not difficult but takes time :)

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