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Getting rid of snails

Modern Angl

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I have a Queen Loach in my big tank and I haven't seen a snail yet even though my plants get changed from tank to tank and all the others have snails. It doesn't uproot the plants either and I have heard that clown loaches do - not sure if thats correct or not.

There is a pic on this link http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewto ... c&start=30



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Have you considered leaving them in there? They will find their own ballance once they have cleared up the algae in the tank and don't do any harm. I have never understood why people spend so much time killing them and then complain about algae problems???

They are also very cute and interesting to watch, I have watched mine move around the tank by building up a bubble of air in their shell until they float then when they get to where they are going the release the bubble and sink again.

If you still want to get rid of them, anything with copper in it will do the job, even water that has been stored in a copper header tank can do the job. Or you could put in a lettace leaf which will attract them then just remove the leaf and clean it off.

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Some snails growth and reprodution is just to fast and to high. I've had cases of snails growning to huge numbers and destroying my plants. and the shells of dead snails littered the bottom of the tanks. Some would come out with the water change but others had to be manualy removed.

I still keep snails in my tank but I keep an eye on their numbers to make sure they don't get out of control again.

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Anomalochromis thomasi work too & are placid for a cichlid, so can suit a community tank.

Convicts are good, (not suited for a community tank) if they pair up, there will be a population explosion of another sort :lol:

& as stated above, clown Loaches are no good for cycling a tank. :( great snail eaters. 8)

Cone snails are bad :evil: these buggers can get into the impellers of filters. :o

Frenchy :D

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