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Clean puffertank advice please


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Hi all, I have a small little 20 litre blue planet tank with two pufferfish in it, although they look cute those little guys are vicious :o Nothing but the two of them survive it in there overnight. I have tried snails and ottos, they just dissapear whole overnight. Now my problem is algae, I have tried having my tank planted, since that helped for the bigger tank, but although its almost completely overgrown in there algae still thrives as well. Does anyone have any idea how I can keep algae to a minimum without having to use the algae scraper every single day :wink:

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If your getting algae it's due to an imbalance of nutrients, light and CO2.

What kind of algae is it?

Also, I've heard that ottos are wild caught, so they use a chemical to catch them, temporally stunning them. This may be why your ottos are dying. Or due to having a small tank, the puffers are more territorial, killing the ottos?

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Sophia my light is on from about 8am to 7pm sometimes I will switch it off a bit earlier, depending on what time I feed my fishies.

Adrienne its amazing they have not eaten each other yet, I take it down to one being male and the other female. But anything that goes in there never last overnight. I thought of putting something bigger in, but those little buggers will just eat it bit by bit and the poor thing will suffer :o My algae starts out green spots against the glass but if left a bit longer they go stringy, no blue, deffinetly bright green and a darker green for the ones in the plants, I will take a pic tomorrow, I already scraped the glass with the magnet cleaner, and my silly female puffer chased it around while I did it :sml2:

Liam I think you might be right, I google imaged it and it looks just like that

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