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The lurker lurks no more


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Hi All

Been lurking this site for about four years now, so I thought it was about time I started posting.

Moved to NZ six years ago from London . I kept tropicals as a teenager.

Boy have things changed since then, filters were nearly all under gravel with air lifts, and the range of fish is now huge.

My tank has been running for the last four years, but consider myself a beginner again.

Would like to thank you all for the valuable information learned from this site, and look forward to posting a few questions.

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Good to see you have stopped that lurking :happy2:

I am still a fan of the UGF in a small tank. What sized aquarium do you have and what do you keep?

At the moment have an Aqua One ar850 planted, (badly), with the lights upgraded to T5HO, DIY co2.

Keep a couple couple of Pearl Gourami's, Cardinal Tetra, Rummy Noses, and Harlequin Tetra. Lost my Oto's, Bristlenose to

what I now think was was a fungal disease. I didn't catch early due to my Bristlenose and Oto's hiding all the time.

I haven't added anything since, am trying to talk the wife round to another four foot tank.

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