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Quiet HOB Filters?


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I am doing a high tech Planted Nano (40x25x25cm) and don't have the money to by an little mini external canister filter,(if there is one under $75 Let me Know). So i am looking for a quiet HOB filter.

Has anyone had nice and quite ones (what brand?) or experience with them.


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Can I ask a few questions about your setup?

What kind of lighting are you going to use?

Are you going to use pressurized co2 or DIY?

What kind of plants and fish are you going to have?

And lastly what Ferts do you plan to use for substrate and for dosing?



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Lighting: 10 3W LEDs

CO2: Diy

Substrate: Either Crushed up JBL balls, Seachem Flourite black sand, or the rest of the JBL Flora pro i have. Im either going to cap it with fine gravel or white silica sand.

Plants: Glosso, and sum others which i forgt the name of.

Fish: Small tetras, and maybe a couple of shrimp(if they will survive).

Fert dosing: Aint got to that yet, what are you going to do for yours?

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Haha lol I haven't even got my substrate Ferts sorted yet! The thing with small tanks is that you don't need a lot and most places don't sell them in small quantities... Probably will get round to flourish if I can be bothered.

How do you plan to diffuse the CO2? I have thinking about something like the elite mini that every crazes about. But I'm trying to have as little hardware in the tank as possible, but http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/fish/aquatic-plants/auction-425102915.htm this looks good, says it works with DIY CO2 and it's cheap.

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Hmmm, Squirt i don't really have room to have a mini external canister filter unless i put a white background on my tank, if so i could also put my heater in therescratchchin.gif. But other wise its a Aqua One Clearview H200 :dunno: .

Thanks every1.

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