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Ammonia poisoning?


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I've had a sick young male sword who I thought had been a bit bashed by another of the males so didn't worry much and just added some melafix. He was a bit red around the fills, breathing a bit fast and had a little red patch on his side ( which I thought was a wound).

Today though one of my male dwarf rainbows was hanging at the top of the tank with his colours looking dull and a small whitish patch on ts side. Not fuzzy or anything, just looked white. I tested the water and everything was fine except for ammonia which was light green instead of yellow. I know this is toxic even in small doses but I don't know why it spiked. I cleaned the external filter on Mon but didn't touch bio balls and rinsed bits in tank water. I've only added one new fish this week, a female swordtail and in fact have taken a lot of fish out as I've bought another tank.

I do two 20% or so water changes a week (last one Monday) but do seem to have a bit of plant matter to vacuum up each time. I moved my wood and ornaments today to get anything that might be stuck. My pH was quite high as I add oyster grit to make the very soft water a bit harder.

Today I did a 25% water change, took out grit and added a nitrazorb, added some powder to lower pH & added 20mls pimafix (in case whit spot is fungal?).

My sword has just died and the rainbow is now on bottom with head down, rather than on top.

I'll do another water change tomorrow but what I can't understand is why it would be in an established tank when I did a water change Mon???

Any ideas?

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How many fish did you have and how many were removed? The good bacteria grow to eat the waste and if you remove a lot of fish you will then have a lot of bacteria die as well and I guess that could do it? Sounds like a good theory to me anyway 8)

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How many fish did you have and how many were removed? The good bacteria grow to eat the waste and if you remove a lot of fish you will then have a lot of bacteria die as well and I guess that could do it? Sounds like a good theory to me anyway 8)

It was a couple of weeks ago now so hopefully not...

Thanks for theory though.

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Wen cleaning your filter, did you keep your bio balls in tank water?

They are in bottom of filter so were only taken out to quickly rinse and refill canister. Prior to this in my naivety I used to rinse everything in hot water and never had this though.

Some of the fish were flashing after I put in fresh water today though... Inused Prime but could chlorine levels be high for some reason?

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