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Baby African!!


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I just glanced in the Malawi tank and saw a tiny little baby!!! Judging from the colour, I would hazard a guess at it being a Labidochrimis caeruleus :lol:

Can only see one. Hope it survives. Have no way to catch it among the rocks and nowhere else to put it so survival of the fittest. Perhaps it is the only survivor from quite a few.

The fish were certainly showing courting behaviour and all hell kept breaking out with much splashing but I never noticed anyone holding.

The fry is about 1cm long.



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that is definately a yellow, there aren't many, if any other africans with full yellow colouring so....well done, i found one baby left in my tanks when i got back from holiday. sometimes if they dont have many eggs you cant tell if they are holding or not, you can sometimes tell by who isn't eating. i sometimes just sit by my african tank and watch them, hoping i can see them thinking about thinking anbout thinking about spawning :) :lol:

good luck for more spawns

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Electric yellow are quite adapt to being sexed at a very young age.

Mothers will tend to hide, hence you not noticing.

the chin drop in yellows can be quite narrow compared to others and makes it less noticeable unless side on.

A baby at 1cm will be over a month old and will continue to hide until 3-6mths depending on what else is in the water circulating above.

males will have definite colouring at 1-1 1/2 cm

They will have strong black markings on the pectoral fins and anal fin.

Females will have none or very little colouring in this area.

They are a peaceable fish and will genrally get along very well with all other types. Males can be rather full on with mating and keeping two females will be an advantage otherwise she will always be pregnant and become quite stunted.

I have found these fish do not live for long periods in comparison to other types of Mbuna.

RAZA Man :lol:

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can you really tell from that early?? i keep at average 4 females in with my male at a time and then take one out if it is holding and put in another one. i have 2 females that i would look at and say they are males, but they have both bred successfully so they must be females. :lol:

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