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Platy fry feeding/size questions


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So I went to do a gravel vacuum of my tank yesterday morning and found 3 platy fry hiding in the plants and under the airstone lol

How long will it take for them to grow to a decent size?

At the moment I've just been giving them tropical flakes that I squish so they are nice and fine. What else can I feed them? I've heard of shelled peas. Are you supposed to cook the peas first, or give them to them uncooked?

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Have you got them in a breeding box or just free swimming in the tank? If they are tiny & in a breeding box you can feed them liquifry no2 from pet shop. I feed my live bearer fry this in a breeder box so grown ups don't eat them 3 times a day for first few days and then move onto powdered flakes in the morning, liquifry at lunch time and ground tropical granules at night until they are big enough not to be eaten by other fish. If they are in the main tank though I just have a breeding mat for them to hide under and they just eat what they can get as well as algae etc.

HTH :wave:

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