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about time we started getting serious with the rotifers


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how many people here are interested in breeding their clowns??? (or other marines)

wasp i know you are

steve youve mentioned youd like to try

skuzza you posted about this same topic

nick you have to

reef i talked o you about this a few months ago and you expressed some interest

pies im sure youd enjoy the challenge and you have quite a few clowns

tm you mentioned a year ago that you had access to them

and im sure almost everyone else has at least thought about it once

so what are we doing about it???? i think its abuot time we got togther and did something.

im going to do some research tommorow and see what i can find out

if any one has any info already then post it here and we can all benifit from it

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Count me in dude.

I agree its about time something was done for the hobby, there's a lot of people here that would like to try breeding, as for myself the only thing stopping me from doing so (other then waiting for my clowns to start spawning) is the access to a good reliable first food source such as Rotifiers.

Maybe MAF could be more fore coming in allowing importation of rotifiers.

Why aren't rotifiers allowed to be imported anyways? arent there rotifiers in our ocean or are they different?

If so, seems funny that you can't import something that naturely lives in our back yard but can import something that doesn't.

Here's hoping to a success of rotifier avaliability for the Hobby.


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