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When getting reptile stuff, I found a lot of success using eBay australia. The shipping isn't often that much, a lot of it comes out of China which costs the same to ship to Aus as it does to NZ, and if you get combined shipping it is reasonable. As I recall I got $150 worth of stuff for $40 shipping, the same would have cost $400+ at NZ retail prices (couple things were knockoff no-name reptile stuff, though.)

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When getting reptile stuff, I found a lot of success using eBay australia. The shipping isn't often that much, a lot of it comes out of China which costs the same to ship to Aus as it does to NZ, and if you get combined shipping it is reasonable. As I recall I got $150 worth of stuff for $40 shipping, the same would have cost $400+ at NZ retail prices (couple things were knockoff no-name reptile stuff, though.)

Do you have a link to the place you got it?

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hot house do a really good turtle dock. They retail for like 30-40 bucks and we should be supporting our local LFS even if it does in the long run cost a few extra $$$

not only that when it craps out after 3 months your pretty much screwed. Think of the money it would cost sending it back out of NZ and then back in again???

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