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fraying fins


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I have a Siamewse fighting fish whose finnage is shortening and becoming more and more frayed. I haven't seen other fish nibbling at him, but if i isolate hom how long should it take for regrowth to benoticeable? Is there a non-terminal disease that would do this? I've had him since about June last year.

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he's in with neon tetras, emerald eyes, female swordtails, glowlight tetras, WCMM's. No sign of blood anywhere but he is red so could be a bit hard to see. I wondered about fiin rot but as he's been like this ever since I got him I thought he wouldn't survive that long.

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IMHO you are better off putting him in a floating breeding trap and treating the whole tank with melafix, it wont harm the other fish etc and if you have fin rot will help cure the whole tank otherwise he will just get infected again when you put him back, plus keeping him in the same tank will save stress of different water conditions etc.

It should only take a few days (a week at most) before you notice the fins growing back.

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Often diseases will sit dormant in your tank until a fish is stressed or injured. IMHO unless you are forced to spot treat something or the cure is going to harm the rest of your tank it is safest to assume that every fish in the tank has it and treat the whole lot.

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