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Got white worms today

Judy Sanson

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From my Fish Club. I put six in my tank where they sank to the bottom and dissapeared under the gravel. My Eight fish, who have not been fed live food before, swam excitedly up to them and then screeched to a standstill when they got close, backing off, with what Im sure was a shudder of horror. My question is this, do the worms live under water?? I do a water change and gravel clean every thursday. should I do a gravel clean wednesday instead do you think ? Just in case they have drowned. maybe i should put 1 worm in each day till they cotton on, then go back to once a week. Ive not done this before so not sure what to do. I wish I had asked more questions at the meeting :dunno:

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It can take some fish a while to recognise live food when they see it. 6 worms are not going to cause a problem so keep to your usual schedule. I do not think white worms live long under water.

Try dropping one in with the usual food next time. They will get the idea eventually.

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As everyone has suggested they need time to realise it is food, most of our fish are mass bred in asia and just feed on commercially available foods so have no idea what live food is.

You could push all the gravel back from one corner or portion of your tank and feed the worms there on the bottom glass so they sit there and wiggle around encouraging the fish to eat them.

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or you could get one of those floating cones with the holes for the worms to wriggle out, the fish can then swim up and inspect them at their leisure before having a chomp.

the benefit of chopping them up is that you can more evenly spread the worms around for everyone to get a bite without overfeeding the fatty fish. Well, that's my experience anyway.

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:thup: Its all good. My wee fishies cottoned on quick tonight. I suspect though, judging by the size of some tummies that a few got a lot. In my tank I have 6 Penguin Tetra's and two Bala Sharks. The sharks are a little bigger than the Tetra's. One shark, through shear luck managed to score 1 worm. The tetra's grabbed the rest. I only gave them a few. I'd have loved to just keep feeding them, they were enjoying them so much, but I know that to many be bad for them. Thankyou for your reply's everyone. My next project is to put them in a bigger container and grow more. Umm, the worms that is, not the fish. :slfg:

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