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how did my fish die?


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i woke up today to find my male sail fin mollie dead and now my dragon male fighter it looks like its giving up...they were one of the happiest fishes in the tank, they have no injury's no nips perfectly fine, i tested the ammonia and its at 0 i dont know what else could have caused it, any ideas?

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just check the nitrite is at 0 and the nitrate is at 5ppm, the co2 is been set up for atleast 6months, i just found in the thick java moss cluster a dead rasbora and a female fighter from the condition i think they all died around the same time, they all been fine for atleast a month, had the mollies for about 3months and the fighters 1 month im just surprised to suddenly find 5 dead. before the male fighter die he was just on the bottom gone side ways leaning against some plants.

edit: the ph's been stable at 6.8 for atleast a month also from 6 before i buffered up abit

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